Thursday, June 3, 2010


What do you do when words fail to express your deepest feelings?
Well, I try nevertheless.

What does it take to put others before self even in a situation that primarily concerns your own well being?
What does it take to let go your 'me' time for the ever demanding family time, day after day?
What does it take to alter your ambitions to suit a fairly functional family?
What does it take to portray a strong and confident image even when you feel fragile and shattered within?
What does it take to change thee when people around you simply fail to be reasonably accommodating?
What does it take to accept responsibility for all the bad that happens to your loved ones and still feel taken for granted in good times?
What does it take to smile in face of a terrible and haunting agony for the sake of comforting your child when deep within, the child in you breaks into an inconsolable tantrum?
What does it take to stand by your decision in unpredictable life changing situations even when your loved ones fail to see your selfless intentions?
What does it take to lower your expectations of others when you relentlessly deliver your hundred percent to everything and everyone in your way? simply takes a WOMAN!

To my beloved mother and all the other wonder women in my life, you are my guiding light and I am your biggest fan.
I am sure one would not experience growth without at least one such woman in your life.If you deny, you are still learning how to count your blessings.
I only land up taking deep breathes and wonder how do these women do it? Everything they do, it is with so much ease, it seems so super natural, so overwhelming. They have seen the best of life and the worst of life.They are larger than life itself. They are so inspiring by just being...these women have no clue that I admire them like nothing or nobody else...if only I could weave my words as far and deep as my love for them is.....

I believe goodness is GOD and thanks to these women, I have seen(experienced) GOD....


Chaitra said...

How true!!..

Nithya Jayakumar said...

Just WOW! Do you realise you are an angel yourself? :-) Maharaj back to blogging and how!!!

Deepak Dhananjaya said...

Wonderfull post!!

Samarth said...

Very true! I fully agree with the essence.
But, if I can be critical, I think some woman stretch it too far. Life needs people who are happy, who can stand up for their rights, not people who sacrifice and/or accept sadness without logic or reason because of people who "fail to be reasonably accomodating". Such people (women) don't evoke my sympathy.

Archie said...

Thanks Chaitra,Nithya, Deepak n Sammy.
Sammy, I know what you mean.. And I agree100%:)
but my post according to me does not ask for sympathy...I am just barely expressing my is such a challenge to be selfless.

Samarth said...
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Samarth said...

Haha. On a slightly funny note what I'm trying to say is there is no need to take extra selfless challenges...for people who don't deserve that.

mana said...

Very true.
Well written as always.
Welcome back :)

Unknown said...

truly amazing expression of gratitude..and it brought back the same old nagging question to my mind..why is life always a little more demanding with women?

Archie said...

Thanks Soumya and you are one of these women in my life:)

Unknown said...

thanks archana, thats very flattering..and its obvious i feel the same way about you in my life:)...but i guess as women we connect to each other's thoughts even without words...and i am very grateful for that..