Friday, March 29, 2019

Inner Engineering my path

Memories makes us. There are so many fragments of memories that are etched so deep in me that they lurk on the surface as light as a leaf that dances in thin air when the wind blows.

One such fragment is climbing trees. Reminiscing on all the trees that watched me grow is precisely when past memories flow into the current living moment.

This is also a classic example of how I am evolving in my spiritual journey, how I am exploring what spirituality means to me.

It means I am a little more curious than I was yesterday
It means I am a little more grateful than I was yesterday
It means I am a little more emotionally aware than I was yesterday
It means I am a little more lighter than I was yesterday
It means I am a little less judgemental than I was yesterday
It means I am a little more fearless than I was yesterday
It means I am a little more calmer than I was yesterday
It means I am a little more accepting of myself than I was yesterday
It means I am a little more responsible than I was yesterday

I walk past the same park every day, yet I feel so vibrant with joy during this walk - every single day. When the wind blows, I spread my hands as if I am flying. When the birds fly around, I spread my lips into a smile. When I see different paths, I am excited to walk them all and when I spot beautiful, magnificent trees, something stirs in me, maybe the very thing we call LIFE. When I get closer to one, my child like excitement from my childhood kicks in. My tree climbing memories spurs many urges. Because I am a little more fearless, a little more emotionally aware, a little more accepting of myself than I was yesterday, I follow the urge and hug the tree. In this embrace my spirit soars, my mind mutes, my heart heals, my soul is soothed.  I feel empty and full at the same time.

When I let go of the embrace, the doubts and fears translates to clarity and courage, contentment and happiness transcend sorrow and regret, self-loath shapes into self-love.  These moments when I feel touched by life, when I believe my own consciousness can create everyday magic, when I suddenly notice all the unwanted resistance I have built along the way and feel stunned by the harmony in the natural ease of life that is available to me and to everyone.. this is when I know the path I am on is the one I need to trust, the one that I need to pledge to and the one I will call spiritual because it is my own unique path that will open to me in ways I will allow and fathom, that I will learn to respect and accept, that will challenge and change me.