Thursday, December 6, 2007

Holy Grail

Dreaming; day-dreaming about home
To all dear memories, it is my sacred dome
Without a second thought, it is my holy grail
Every cherishing moment-to forget, I fail

When I think of home, it is always with a smile
About every dear person, I can talk as long as a mile
Between my excitement and anxiety there is a fine thin line
At home forever there is sunshine

Faces of family and friends, to see I deeply desire
When my legs give away, home is where I will retire
To all that is a part of my home, I raise a toast – happy and sweet
Home is where my journey and my destiny meet

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Flights of Feelings - 'Terminal' gestures

Frequency of some good things is such a rarity. Some other good things are always around; we may just be candidly blind. Gentle physical gestures like a hug, a pinch on the cheeks, holding hands, and a kiss more than often speak volumes in just those precise moments of their action. They can emotionally rejuvenate you. They can spring some oblivious but obvious facts. They can simply dampen your eyes and put your emotional stability to test.
Just at the departure terminal in the airport, moments before my friend waved good-bye for ‘who-knows-how-long’ geographical separation, we exchanged hugs. Hugs so affectionate and so emotionally charged. A hug which felt like a special gift box; every moment we shared wrapped safely in it, laced with a ribbon of naïve hopes and promises to create extended memories of togetherness and fun. Some hugs I am guessing are just impossible to part from. You just wish to stay locked, relishing the breeze of peace that your soul experiences with a plain prayer that that moment freezes in time. It is at this point I wondered how often we get to experience such warm moments. How fortunate we should be to have such people around who can render such warmth. Sometimes for genuine moments like this we may well have to wait for years. I have read the book The Alchemist by P C where in he talks so vividly about signs or omens. I consider these gestures to be humble signs that happiness and love is all around me and more often I tend to believe that this is what keeps me going….

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Writer's work and a reader's delight

Among all the habits I have inculcated over time and age, I am proud of one – the habit of reading. Reading is one thing I enjoy to a very great extent. Not surprisingly there is a gush of joy, (may be felt and understood only by me) each time I buy a book and add to my collection. I am not tied to any fixed reading pattern. More often I see myself entangled in a web of questions and sometimes deep thoughts which seek clarification or profound reasoning coupled with a tinge of delightful debate. This is precisely when some books and their comprehensive content have played their rightful role. I owe a part of my maturity and outlook towards life to so many authors who have contributed to my philosophical augmentation but whom I have never met and may never, even in the future. I have observed, my pattern of buying books is in some peculiar fashion guided by intuition. This may sound funny and exaggerated; but how I feel when I touch a book for the first time, the message in the air when I glide my thumb on the edge of all the pages in the book and my intimating eagerness to buy a book even if I have to wait for a copy to become available- have been the books which have answered some of my long unanswered and troubled questions.

Ok! Getting to the core of this post, all I intend to do is being cheeky! Cheeky in a harmless sense; if I may confess. I will be listing some statements or quotes in books I have read or in the process of reading. This will be a list of remarks in the book which I have read and re-read which have a soulful meaning and some camouflaged answers.
PS: Nevertheless, each book speaks the writer’s mind, choice and thoughts. An open minded reader is a writer’s serendipity.

Book: Shantaram
Author: Gregory David Roberts

“Some feelings sink so deep into the heart that only loneliness can help you find them again. Some truths about yourself are so painful that only shame can help you live with them.
Some things are just so sad that your soul can only do the crying for you."

“Sometimes we love with nothing more than hope. Sometimes we cry with everything except tears. In the end that is all there is: love and its duty; sorrow and its truth. In the end that is all we have to hold on tight until the dawn.”

“Nothing grieves more deeply or pathetically than one half of a great love that isn’t meant to be.”

“Fates way of beating us in a fair fight is to give us warnings that we hear, but never heed”

“One of the ironies of courage and the reason why we prize it so highly, is that we find it easier to be brave for someone else than we do for ourselves alone”

“Without forgiveness there would be no history. Without that hope, there would be no art, for every work of art is in some way an act of forgiveness. Without that dream, there would be no love, for every act of love is in some way a promise to forgive. We live on because we can love, and we love because we can forgive.”

Hmm...Cultivating a forgiving nature is a tough challenge. If at least on 6 occasions out of 10 you were able to forgive and forget, it is a feat in itself.
I reckon framing words like love, hope, sorrow, tears, forgiveness (which are more than just words) into such pragmatic and poignant statements is a rare and immensely creditable style of a genuinely gifted writer.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Flights of Feelings - Foreward

Not surprisingly, a thought or idea just popped in my mind. Its not weird that each one of us would love or dream of having something we look forward to; in terms of an upcoming event, a new arrival in the family, a new materialistic or spiritual pursuit, a new start or a life changing decision. Some may agree that our lifestyle – I precisely mean the bulky element of ‘routines’ is what propels this anticipation. I beg to stay astray from debating weather this anticipation is good or bad – at least at this point in my post [Haha]

So! Coming back to my idea in the first statement, I am attempting to capture my feelings or moods (My creator only knows how moody I can get!) about my visit to my homeland after exactly 2 years. This has surely become an event which my family and I are looking forward to. We blocked our flight tickets in Feb and I got my leave confirmed at work in April for our visit in December! Some planning, huh? Christmas is a time when many of my friends plan to visit family and friends back home. Each one of us has a narration for every visit. I beg to stay astray from scripting the narrations for the same- at least at this point in my post [haha]

We own the pleasure of escorting friends to and from the airport owing to our geographical proximity to the airport. I enjoy these short trips. Just last week a close friend headed home. I deeply understand how eager he was to hop on to the flight. (To be read as – how eager we were to see him off [Wink]) One month of no intrusion [Hehe] Married for an interesting 2 years, Swithesh and I very delightfully (To be read as – intentionally) scared our friend who hopefully but helplessly banked on us duo for post marital advice! So this briefly gives an idea of what makes our trip to the airport interesting. The flow of emotions, excess baggage commotion, take off coffee take-away and all the tangy jokes leaves me flushed, I tell ya!

Not surprisingly, yet another idea is standing up on my mind’s bench [haha] I would write this tale in parts. Sounds ok to me. Hope the words don’t get constipated in some parts [wide teeth display grin]; it happens to me. Sometimes I just don’t get what I call ‘the flow’ (to write, of course). This can be saddening and frustrating. Period.

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Awesome Twosome

I can still hear those cute little sparrows chirping at the crack of dawn. They woke me up, but this never made me angry. I felt their excitement contagious.

One trim and smart figure holds my hand in his and off we go hand in hand to explore new experiences nature had in store for us that warm morning. The route we adopt is strangely familiar. ‘The Golf Ground’ is one fascinating place. I obediently stand with this figure well draped in a coat and together we watch the gifted players playing golf on the tender green bed. From a source unknown a golf ball drops right next to us. We wait. Nobody claims it. The hand which held me releases grip and pockets the ball. We move on, hand in hand again. I constantly eye the round lump in his pocket. We reach ‘The Guest House’. I am left free in this semi-circular area adorned by huge trees and tiny butterflies. The figure with a scarf around his neck keeps an eye on me as I play my own game in nature’s company. He stands facing the Sun; arms wrapped across his chest enjoying a sun-bath.
Once again, we lock our hands in each others and head back home greeting friends on the way. A restless and curious mind, I still have an eye on his pocket. We reach home. That calm and resolute figure changes his attire, mounts his reading glasses on his sharp nose and drowns into the newspaper.
A soft and caring voice then calls for me. I run towards her. She aids me in the shower and religiously teaches me a few ‘shlokas’ which I recite with eyes tight shut. The short but sweet lady seems satisfied. Grumbling with love she decks me up with ribbons, tie, belt, socks and shoes. She wipes my mouth one final time with her sari whose fragrance speaks volumes in deep silence. I reach the door. The strict-looking figure holding the newspaper eyed the lovely lady and then revealed that the golf ball was in my cupboard. There was a twinkle in his handsome eyes and radiance on her face as my lips unfurled a big smile.

Coming back to the present, recovering from nostalgia I look around incisively.
The firm hand that held me was those of my grandfathers and the gentle voice the called me was that of my grandmothers. The warmth in his hands and the fragrance of her sari still linger around me……..

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Drunken Brawl

I feel drunk some times. Your eyebrows are narrowing, I guess. I feel amazed that I can get drunk even without a sip of alcohol. Your thoughts are racing, I can sense. When I feel drunk I let go my self to acceptable degree of senselessness. You are restraining a faint smile, maybe. It always feels good to sound incoherent and funny when you feel drunk; I think this happens naturally! You may be raising your eyebrows indicating surprise.

Some days when a happy thought so rare and so enticing engulfs me, my smile just refuses to diminish, and I feel so contagious with joy, its when I firmly believe Santa is on his way with a bag full of presents, and that a gorgeous angel with a star studded crown is somewhere around - I feel so drunk with ecstasy!
Some days when a few perplex thoughts leave me feeling lost and helpless, my eyes reflect nothing but apprehension and my actions seem surprisingly unfocused, its when I experience a burning desire to peep into my own future and calm thy soul - I feel so drunk with scepticism!
Some days when grief strikes I feel so low I can hardly say why or what is making me feel so distressed. I feel like a loner in quest for something that seems to make no sense to others, I feel like I am fighting a battle field of questions all by myself, unable to seek answers – I feel so drunk with sorrow and nothingness!

A concoction of feelings seems to lead me to this phase each time. I feel like I am in a drunken brawl with myself… too feel drunk sometimes, don’t you?

Friday, August 10, 2007

A Glance and few Moments

Just a few moments and a few people are all you need. Humans by nature are so interlinked and interdependent in such intricate fashion, if you care to interpret this manner you may well be surprised. I can vouch that in a day you would bump into some one who would remind you of some one else. Some times this encounter can plunge you into momentary nostalgia or you can feel yourself talking or thinking about the person you were just reminded of for the rest of the day.
This experience strikes me almost every other day – at the train station, at work, at home and not to my surprise even when I am alone!
You happen to see an anonymous person during your travel and you are amazed by the striking resemblance he/she has to someone from your intimate web of family and friends. Your behaviour and your very own self are bits and pieces of a jig saw puzzle of blood-links. Somebody’s eyes, their voice, and their smile sends in a flush of memories –good or bad; old and new.
Your mind races from thoughts about one person to another and you feel transported from one point in your life to another. A glance of someone was all you had. A few moments is all it took to rejuvenate the strands of your web- woven strong against time and distance!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

FicFacto Charm!

My Fact and Fiction Catalouge

"Every day is a challenge: testing your core being. Some days are good and some not so good."
"(On a not so good day): I am with Shrek and Donkey in the swamp and the world seems so peaceful and simple….
PS: No Fiona and hence no little ogres!"

"Roger Fedrer's game -ridiculously close to perfection!"
"I am at the foot of Swiss Alps having hot chocolate drink on a pleasant sunny morning with Roger Fedrer.
PS:Ofcourse I am blushing! :)"

"Nature- second prettiest and most wonderful gentle lady in my life"
"I am a butterfly; flirting with a sparrow today, daffodil tomorrow.....
PS:I sure have butterflies in my stomach whilst flirting! :)"

"I hardly know a few men who have the habit of reading. Very unimpressive!"
"No men, no cry!! Bliss!"

"Modesty and intellignece, I believe is a rare combination!"
"This combination being modestly common!"

"I dislike people who disrespect food"
"These people should remain constipated for the rest of their lives!"

Moody Moments

A houseful of people reverberating with conversations, and a crowded train parading Friday night exhilaration. You are a part of this crowd – seemingly only physically.
Your melancholic heart elicits a delirious mind. All you wish at this moment is to vanish into oblivion. Suddenly solitude seems a frantic bliss.

You share a bond - a bond of love, respect and understanding with your kith and kin. They are with you through your thick and thin. But it is this enigmatic piece of you which just craves for a chunk of time to think about nobody in particular and nothing in general. Just some scattered thoughts and some rambling questions in your mind.
You may play some soothing music in the background or take a long peace-seeking walk amidst nature or a nap on your couch-all this in self company. Self-love instantly feels so tranquil and gratifying.

Wanting to experience solitude is a passing phase- a natural phase which re-surfaces time and again. Let go yourself from the madding crowd. Slip away into self-shell when ever you fail to restrain the impulsive urge for some isolation.
No sooner will it dawn on you that the only way out of this phase is through it- through self-discovery!


A breeze of thoughts blows past me
Passionate dreams from deep within begin to buzz like a bee
To quench this fervour, from the luxuries of the present I wish to flee
I feel plagued by questions as to the very being I ought to be

My mind is so distraught and my heart so beset
I yearn to break free and experience a definitive onset
I look up to the sky and into the vast nature fields
Seeking for some answers to action my deeds

I tell myself- one step at a time, strong and bold
If I fumble, my courage and faith is a reassuring hold
Time does fly; a life time will go by
To realize and transcend your dreams is worth a try