Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Life's Strife

Here, they say 'be yourself'
and when you gather your guts to give it a try
a hundred thoughts and a hundred people can make you cry
even before you try, you begin to ask why

Here, they say 'take the road less travelled'
This seems to be the glorified thing to do
You travel the realms of reality and reach peaks of practicality
Struggling to rather make your road the best travelled

Here, they say 'have no regrets'
and you wonder, how can that be
when I am given this, I think about that
and when I am here, I cannot be there, right?

Here they say 'be the change you wish to see'
In this pursuit, what you grew up believing seems no longer true
this shakes your confidence and you begin to feel the blues
But, things change, people change and you grapple each day changing for change

Here, they say 'have fun'
Many rules are not to be shunned
You are told, 'Don't do this', 'Never go there'
Agitation urges you to run, but you don't know where

Here, they say 'be positive'
Let go your past, have faith in your present
pin hope in your future, pretty please
After all it is in your blood to B+

Do you know what lies in between
The here and there
The past and present
The ifs' and buts'
The yes and No....
your life!, simple isn’t it?

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