Monday, October 10, 2011


Why is encouragement and appreciation (from people deemed as kith and kin)so hard to come by?
Why does this spracely exist? If it exists, why is it not expressed? If expressed, why is not at the right time?

Despite your conclusion that what they are wishing for is unrealistic,
how hard is to support your loved one to seek what they desire?

Despite your ignorance in their capabalities,
How hard is it to acknowledge that your loved one is all but trying to
dicover their own potential?

Despite your dreadful doubts,how hard is it to atleast let them try?

Despite your lack of enthusiasm, how hard is to help them believe that nothing is impossible?

Despite feeling that they are wasting precious time, how hard is to be a little understanding of their struggle?

Despite not helping them forge ahead, how hard is to atleast not stop them in their journey?

If you intend not to do anything different in your life, why not let others?
They may fail, they may succeed. Either way they win, for atleast they know they tried.

1 comment:

Samarth said...

So true! I've had similar questions in my mind! Maybe they don't have an answers. Sometimes we take pleasure in asking ourselves rhetoric questions!