Friday, March 28, 2008

"For you, a thousand times over"

Each time I think about the story narrated by Khaled Hosseini in his book, ‘The Kite Runner’ only one statement rings in my head -“For you, a thousand times over”….

Have you ever told this to someone…or at least felt this way for someone?
I am amazed and ashamed at the same time when I read about someone who can do anything for the one they love; anywhere, anytime….for a thousand times over….and with such grave intensity that it makes it hard to believe(If you have read the book, you will understand how intense the intensity I am referring to is).

We all have a lot of friends, enough to categorise them in a social network site. How many in that list have made you experience friendship so disconnected from adultery, so simple, so genuine, so delightful, and so innocent? How many friendships have you nurtured your heart out to? For how many have you gone that extra mile with minimal expectations of acknowledgment? For how many have you replied lack of reciprocation with continual stoicism? For how many have you passed situations when you have not wondered ‘Why should I always do it?’ For how many have you dared to go past norms just to have ‘been there and done that’? For how many have you broken your routine, just to experience the aberrant? For how many have you kept aside what is important to you? For how many have you not given lame excuses to avoid moments of togetherness? For how many have you dared risks just to keep your friendship soaring high? For how many have you done simple things to avoid complex consequences?

Friendship is like love…you never know when it happens and you can never measure its growth…all you ever have to know is it shapes your existence and that you should forever treasure its grace.


Chaitra said...

As always, good one!

Samarth said...
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Samarth said...

I can feel the intensity in your words. And it reminded me of my intense feelings.

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Unknown said...

Awwwsome Archana!