Not surprisingly, a thought or idea just popped in my mind. Its not weird that each one of us would love or dream of having something we look forward to; in terms of an upcoming event, a new arrival in the family, a new materialistic or spiritual pursuit, a new start or a life changing decision. Some may agree that our lifestyle – I precisely mean the bulky element of ‘routines’ is what propels this anticipation. I beg to stay astray from debating weather this anticipation is good or bad – at least at this point in my post [Haha]
So! Coming back to my idea in the first statement, I am attempting to capture my feelings or moods (My creator only knows how moody I can get!) about my visit to my homeland after exactly 2 years. This has surely become an event which my family and I are looking forward to. We blocked our flight tickets in Feb and I got my leave confirmed at work in April for our visit in December! Some planning, huh? Christmas is a time when many of my friends plan to visit family and friends back home. Each one of us has a narration for every visit. I beg to stay astray from scripting the narrations for the same- at least at this point in my post [haha]
We own the pleasure of escorting friends to and from the airport owing to our geographical proximity to the airport. I enjoy these short trips. Just last week a close friend headed home. I deeply understand how eager he was to hop on to the flight. (To be read as – how eager we were to see him off [Wink]) One month of no intrusion [Hehe] Married for an interesting 2 years, Swithesh and I very delightfully (To be read as – intentionally) scared our friend who hopefully but helplessly banked on us duo for post marital advice! So this briefly gives an idea of what makes our trip to the airport interesting. The flow of emotions, excess baggage commotion, take off coffee take-away and all the tangy jokes leaves me flushed, I tell ya!
Not surprisingly, yet another idea is standing up on my mind’s bench [haha] I would write this tale in parts. Sounds ok to me. Hope the words don’t get constipated in some parts [wide teeth display grin]; it happens to me. Sometimes I just don’t get what I call ‘the flow’ (to write, of course). This can be saddening and frustrating. Period.
I can sense the excitement and sometimes great excitement can hinder the flow :).
yeah, i agree 100% [haha]
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